Bonfire 2007
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01 Cameron and Ali
02 Sis. Ida playing horse shoes
03 Sis. Regina playing horse shoes
04 Sis. Linda Goodrich getting ready to throw the horse shoe
05 Look at the concentration on Sis. Reba Bowlings face
06 Sis. Ida Bowling just may have made a ringer
07 The spectators
08 Sis. Blanton, Sis. Harris, Bro. Bowling, and Bro. Osborne
09 Camerona and Ali
10 Houston
11 Ali
12 Cameron
13 Zack
14 Cole
15 Bro. and Sis. Long manning the grill
16 Bro. and Sis. Long still at it
17 spectators Jackie, Angie and Danny
18 Bro. Goodrich playing volleyball
19 Bro. Clayton and Sweet little Kayla playing volleyball
20 Bro. Jeff and his brother Paul