BEC Vision

"Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you."

(Matthew 28:19-20)


Our Vision

Our vision is to see souls saved, lives changed, hearts touched, yokes destroyed, a maturing in the body of Christ, and the perfecting of the Saints through the power and demonstration of the preaching, and ministering through the Holy Ghost.

Our Mission

Our mission as a church, the body of Christ, is to follow after Christ and the great commission. To be true followers of Christ, we must teach people how to take the Word of God and apply it to their daily lives, and to make other disciples, thus fulfilling the great commission.

Vision becomes reality only if we fulfill our mission

We believe the simple message of Jesus Christ will change peoples lives. The message will loose the bands of wickedness, it will undo the heavy burdens, it will set the oppressed free and it will break the yokes of bondage upon peoples lives.

Redeem the Time

The harvest is truly plentiful but the laborers are few, so we must redeem the time while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work. Who knows whether we have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

We must go and take the message to the world!



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